Electric Embers: Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change

Mission and Principles


Electric Embers is a worker-owned cooperative providing hosting services and support to people working to make the world a better place.


  1. The internet can and should serve the public good, not just corporate profit.
  2. Your data belongs to you, not to your providers, their partners or advertisers, or any government or law enforcement agency. (See Privacy Policy.)
  3. We believe in democratic and progressive values and select clients who share them. Our success is measured by how well we support our clients in doing the hard work to advance those values. (See Who We Serve.)
  4. Tech support is not an afterthought. You should always hear back within a reasonable time from a knowledgeable, friendly human being who is fully empowered to resolve the issue.

And finally, as a worker coop we fully subscribe to the Seven Cooperative Principles, and we are a member of both the Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives and the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives.