We fight for your privacy.
The information and data you provide us in the course of using our services are as safe and private as our technology and ability allow. Protecting your privacy and security is part of our mission. We even put our money where our mouth is with donations to EFF.
We believe that you own your data.
We will design our services to make importing your data to and exporting your data from our services as easy, safe, and private as we can.
We will not sell your attention or your data.
We abhor the waste of bandwidth for marketing and the tricks and scams that are used to pursue it, and we will never abuse your trust. We will not sell your information to others or use it to advertise products to you.
We will not reveal your data without a warrant.
We will never disclose contents of user communications or release other non-public information about our customers except as lawfully required by a warrant, subpoena, or other court order.
We will tell you if the government asks for your data.
Our policy is to notify our customers of requests for their information prior to disclosure unless we are prohibited from doing so by statute or court order.
We will be transparent about government information requests and DMCA notices.
Since our beginnings in 2003, we have received and complied with 0 government requests for information. (The EFF has an excellent FAQ about warrant canaries.) We have received several DMCA notices, and in each case have worked with the customers involved to resolve the situation to their satisfaction rather than ever taking down a customer’s site against their will.
We are proud of you.
We may list your group’s name and link to your website on our Who We Serve page and in other communications. Please notify us if you’d prefer that we not do this.