Electric Embers: Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change

Mail setup – GMail

If you want to receive and send email from your Electric Embers address using an existing GMail account, you have two options: set GMail up to grab messages periodically using POP, or set up a server side filter that will redirect each incoming message to GMail.

Receiving Mail, Method 1 – POP import:

This method requires a bit more configuration than the second method below, but will be the most robust and reliable. Follow Google’s instructions to set up a new POP3 account import, entering these settings:

  • Username: (your full email address)
  • POP3 Server: mail.electricembers.net
  • Port: 995
  • Always use a secure connection (SSL)

Finally, when asked about sending, choose Yes, I want to be able to send mail as… this new address, then enter the settings under Sending Mail below.

Receiving Mail, Method 2 – Forwarding:

Login to the mailbox using Webmail and click Settings –> Forwarding and choose “Redirect to” and enter the desired destination gmail address. Set the Status to On, and click Save! To set up Gmail to send mail using your Electric Embers hosted mailbox, see Sending Mail below.

Sending Mail:

Follow Google’s instructions to set up a new Send mail as… address for outgoing mail, entering these settings:

  • SMTP Server: mail.electricembers.net
  • Username: (your full email address)
  • Port: 587
  • Secured connection using TLS